Electric Brighton CarShare

An electric car club for Brighton & Hove.

Pay for the hours you drive, not the time you don’t

Did you know the average car spends over 95% of its lifetime parked up and going nowhere?* In fact, many people only need to use one for a few hours or a day here and there.

That’s why we’re starting a community-led electric car club for Brighton & Hove. Members will be able to book electric cars located across the city from as little as half an hour; sparing them the time, money and hassle associated with car ownership.

Electric Brighton CarShare MG4

Driving that doesn’t cost the earth

An electric car club could also help tackle our city’s congestion, parking and pollution problems by removing underused vehicles and replacing them with cleaner, greener shared electric cars.

Additionally, car clubs have been shown to increase levels of walking, cycling and public transport use as people can easily weigh up the financial and environmental cost of using a car compared to other forms of transport.

Electric Brighton CarShare Limited is a Community Benefit Society, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, with registration number 8654.

Powered by Co-Wheels, with the support of: